Nam iaculis sit, sed nunc integer cras integer a, ac aliquet vel nec mauris at venenatis. Ut velit turpis. Amet orci pellentesque nunc, pellentesque est et. Ullamcorper vestibulum. Wisi pretium.…
Massa mollis excepteur sapien posuere ultrices. Euismod suspendisse mollis eleifend quis ac justo, mi pellentesque varius, tincidunt sem nisl adipiscing sit ipsum totam. Sed erat nibh dapibus, elit ultricies at…
There are risks asscoiated with using a laptop as a main computer. Tablets have limited functions and storage capacity and therefore need a backup option as well
Turn off power inmediatly If it has a external battery, remove it at once Turn the laptop upside down Bring it to us and do not power the laptop up…